What is not yet visible to you?


We take our world view for granted.

We are identified with our current subjectivity.

By definition, we can’t see our perspective from another perspective.

But… over time, we can.

Try reading diaries you wrote as a kid. You may marvel at the difference between your world view then, compared to now.

You can see how unaware you were of the way in which your consciousness was rudimentary.

When imagining your perspective as a kid, you are making an object out of your previous subjectivity.

You can see it “from outside” so to speak, and its limitations may be obvious.

That’s great.

The problem now, is that this experience can give us the false, yet unconscious identification with the belief that now, now we are, paradigmatically, in the right place. Now, as adults, we have an accurate world view.

Might you be living with this belief?

If you are, let me ask you: if you weren’t fully aware of the limitations of your world view back then… why would your current world view be complete?

By assuming it isn’t, you unlock the following powerful questions:

  • What is there to see, that I cannot see with my current paradigm?

  • What potentialities does my level of development hold?

  • What do I need to do, in order to learn what direction to walk, in order to develop?

You will know when you have grown the moment you see your perspective being split into two: an older one, and a new one.

But be patient. See growth as a life-long journey, not one-off events.

That way, you get to enjoy the ride, not get fixated on the goal.

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Agile Team Communication: The Power of Connection over Persuasion


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